Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Vegas! - The Parties

Vegas used to be all work and no play but every year I know more and more people so the work part lessens and the play part increases...

Here's Vic, Aundrea (runs BluDomain with Harald, below) and I at Sara and Lauren's party the first night:Here's Sara France and Lauren Hillary at a party on the second night we were there. This was in a suite at the Palms with a bowling alley in it!! These shots were from a cool photo booth: Usnaps.

Here's Alex (a videographer buddy of mine), Mellissa (a great photographer from New Orleans), Joe (a neighbor that we- Jeni and I- met for the first time- so glad we did!) and Victor (one of the many photog's from Ladera).
This is Harald, the genious that designed my site.. I guess I better pay my bill on time! he was the host of the shindig.
This is the group of us that went to the afterparty at the Foundation Room on the top of the Mandalay Bay- such a cool view of the strip!

This was my last night in Vegas and finally got to chill with the boys from my hood- Mario and Paul , Bill, and Mark- always good times at the local dive bar! I have been coming to Vegas for WPPI with Mario and Paul from the begining of my career- they always have kind words about my work and they continually inspire me with theirs.
The local dive bar referred to earlier:

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