Friday, February 09, 2007

Great Interview.

Cartier-Bresson is my hero! I have enjoyed his work since I first found photography over 10 years ago. This past June I was lucky enough to see a showing of much of his work at the Museum of Rome- so amazing to see these silver prints in person.

I found this interview by Charlie Rose on Google- Cartier-Bresson is so funny in person- I have never seen video of him.

I could really relate to some of what he says:
I rarely ever crop my images either- like he said, you compose in the viewfinder.
You can't teach composition- so true.
He laughs when Charlie tries to make a big deal about his work and tries to over analyze- I just love that- who cares why a photograph is good, it's just nice to look at!
He is very humble- laughs when Charlie calls him a master.
I love the sniff he does when he is explaining why a photo is good- it's just a feeling, nothing concrete, another sense maybe.

The things I didn't agree with:
He can't accept he is a master- more of timing and predicting than anything else, but he is a master.
He doesn't like to print his own- I love, love, love taking an image all the way to the print- either in photoshop or in the darkroom.
A fixed 50 all the time?..... I couldn't handle that!

Have a look, it's an hour long so make sure you set aside some time: click here.

I may be headed to the bookstore to look at his books tomorrow- so inspiring!!!

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