Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Mandy and Dave

The news last week said it may rain this past Saturday so my engagement shoot with Mandy and Dave was up-in-the-air. What a crazy thing: the weatherman was wrong! The skies were blue and the temp was perfect! Jeni (my wife) was my assistant so Bay and Cayse just played on the rocks- they love any chance they get to go to the beach.

We shot in an undisclosed (top secret) beach in Laguna- Dave proposed there!! I love it when we shoot in a place with some meaning. They were so great to shoot- they were up for anything! Even standing on a rock in front of the waves! They got a little soaked once but they were troopers so we continued...

Straight from the camera as they walked:

I love the long shadows of afternoons in winter:
This cool light is from a reflector- they are a pain in the neck but you can't get this light any other way!!
These rocks were very cool with the diagonal lines- I usually have to tip the camera to get a dynamic image with diagonal lines. This was Photoshopped a little- dodging with the history brush in 'Multipy' mode and I used two curve adjustment layers as well- one for the subject and one for the rock.
They were cracking up because I couldn't stop shooting! I get a little excited sometimes as you know, if you have ever been in front of my camera. This shot was on the stairs on our way back to the cars- I just loved the lines of the stairs and the backlight. They were such pros- we shot about six frames here in about 15 seconds and got this great moment.


Anonymous said...

That shadow pictire is cool. I'm going to try that soon.

Thanks for sharing.

Joel Eckman Maus said...

Thanks so much. The low sun is always good!
I used Kubotas cross process action with a little modification to get the color shift.
