Monday, June 26, 2006

My Kids!

So I was unloading a background and lightstands from the car today and thought how long it had been since I shot the kids with a backdrop....

I didn't clean them up or anything, just grabbed their sweaty little hands (very humid today) and had them sit for a moment.

Caysen lasted about 7 minutes or so- enough for me to get off 91 frames. They will both be getting their hair cut soon so I thought I should record the shag.

The sun was low, so I just had the backdrop facing away from the sun so it was backlit (check the pro diagram)- to try to hide any shades of grey. The backdrop should be a few stops hotter than your exposure to make it pure white. Paper is inexpensive, a neutral in tone, and is easy to set up. However, it isn't very durable- I usually let the kids color on it when the shoot is done.

I then used two reflectors to fill in their faces- very cool light. If the reflector is in full sun, I use white, if it is in the shade, I use silver or silver/gold.

I didn't give them much instruction, just to sit and where to look sometimes...

Bailey is growing up fast. She had this little model attitude (not bad, just.......just confident and a little sassy). She said she didn't want to be there, but she seemed to really like it...

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