Thursday, December 06, 2007

My New D3 Has Arrived!

Just got it! I gave the UPS guy a kiss when he said he had a package from Calumet!

I've had it in my hands for about 10 minutes and am already super impressed!

  • dual memory card slots for simultaneously writing to two cards at once- the worries of corrupt cards is a thing of the past!
  • I just took a shot at 6400 ISO in a dark hallway, zoomed in on the big 3" LCD display and could see no noise!! This opens up whole new worlds and new opportunities to make images never thought possible. Shooting by the light of a full moon is possible!!
  • Nikon stoked us by upgrading the battery from the D2x while keeping it possible to share the old with the new in either camera.
  • Live View is super cool for the over-the-head shots.
  • All the controls are in the same place as the D2x so there is no learning curve!
The camera looks a lot like the D2x but it is a little beefier to hold and the shutter has a cooler, cleaner sound.

Christmas came early this year!!!! ... wait, that's a 'tool' for work, it doesn't count as a gift... right Jeni???

I will post some images after I take it for a test drive!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am Jealous. Wish I had the money or the need for that rig instead of just the desire.
