Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Nicole and Ben

Nicole and Ben got married on a beautiful day in So Cal. They chose the Ritz Carlton in Laguna Niguel- beautiful views that day- and most. They also chose Mint Julep to do the coordinating and help with the design- AMAZING! Square Root did the flowers and design- INCREDIBLE! We had a great day shooting and had plenty to photograph!

Not sure what these shoes cost but I heard Mom mention that they were more than the dress= lots! I shot these things all over the place.. and I do not have a foot fetish!! Girls, they're Christian Louboutin in case you're wondering:) Sorry Dad!
Sweet and beautiful!

Shoes again:)

Ben was great too- sharp in that uni!
Square Root kills me!
Their first meeting!!

There were lots of cute kids- I couldn't keep my camera off these two!

Cool, huh, a portable studio to the rescue in low light and to create this drama.
Love the symetry here. The table was so crazy with water and a glass top... amazing!The head table I was talking about:


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