Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Accepted to Greener Photography

I submitted an application to Greener Photography after learning of its existance on the Digital Wedding Forum. I was super excited to join a group whose mission it is would bring new ideas to photographers that would help us as a whole be a little (or a lot) gentler to Mother Earth:)

From their site:
Greener Photography was founded by Thea Dodds and Dawn Tacker in 2008. Thea & Dawn met on-line at the Digital Wedding Forum in 2006 upon recognizing their common interest in environmental issues. They immediately began sharing ideas, suppliers, and forum threads on the DWF asking how to green their photography business. In one discussion on the DWF Thea pitched the idea of starting an organization of eco-minded photographers. Dawn ran with it, the scope of the project grew, and Greener Photography was born.

So, for all you photographers out there, check it out, join up (you've got to already be actively working to reduse your footprint), and donate some cash to help this get huge!!

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