Friday, August 15, 2008

Family Portrait Month Coming Up!

I often think how lucky I am to be doing something I love so much as a career. I also think very often about how I can use my craft to benefit the lives of others.

I belong to a number of great trade organizations and it seems that as a group, photographers are extremely giving. One of these organizations is Professional Photographers of America (PPA). They are instrumental in making a better life and business for their members and also enabling us to help and give to others.

They are so dedicated, in fact, that they have created PPA Charities to help us help others even more.

We have participated in Family Portrait Month in the past and are super excited to do it again!

Family Portrait Month is a national promotion during October, allowing professional photographers and families to raise money together for children in need of smiles.

In 2005, PPA Charities Trustees invited Operation Smile to become its Charitable Partner. As such, Operation Smile, a highly respected worldwide organization, became the recipient of all contributions (made by PPA-member studios throughout the country) during PPA Charities’ annual Family Portrait MonthIf you haven't heard of Operation Smile.

Operation Smile Mission from their homepage:

Throughout the world, Operation Smile volunteers repair childhood facial deformities while building public and private partnerships that advocate for sustainable healthcare systems for children and families. Together, we create smiles, change lives, heal humanity.
Please call the studio soon (will get very busy in October- 714-992-5400) to participate in this amazing program. We will not donate the suggested $25 per session- we're going to double that and give $50 per session directly to PPA Charities for Operation Smile.

In years past I learned that each operation costs $241 (could've changed) so that means for every five shoots we do one child will receive this much needed procedure!!

Most Americans think that this is a cosmetic operation but in other countries some kids are not able to go to school because of this condition.

Thanks PPA and Operation Smile- lovin' you guys!

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