Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Thank You's

As you may have guessed from prior entries, we had a great time with Sara and Mazen on May 5th at the Ojai Valley Inn and Spa. Well, they put their thank you cards in our hands after being thrilled with our work at the wedding...

What do you think:
This will be printed on matte paper (paperish, not plasticish) and mounted on a chocolate brown card sealed with a cute little ribbon... yep, I did the image part and Jeni took over on the card part- especially the ribbon...

I love designing things like this- I take way too much time to be really profitable... but it's so fun!! Maybe I should just have a couple templates and plug the photos into them instead of designing them custom every time..... naaaaaa!


Anonymous said...

Very nice. Love the design. Awesome capture!

Anonymous said...

Like the idea for our wedding-Keep it in mind. Cindy