Yes, 'shopping day'...
As you may know if you have ever been to our house, my wife is a total pro decorator and treasure hunter. Our kids had a sleep-over at their cousins' on Saturday night so I agreed to hit the junk piles- scratch that, flea markets- with her on Sunday morning.
She was easy on me- we didn't leave before sunrise like she usually does... I got to sleep-in until 7 or so!!
Flea markets are serious stuff for her- I had to fuel up with Starbucks in order to keep up- it's kinda like walking somewhere with the kids- they have to practically jog to keep up with you.
So I was out on my jog around these booths with old crap from all over the world while Jeni was chatting with her junk buddies and scanning each booth like a lion scanning for gazelle. She can scan a whole booth of stuff in about 3.4 seconds... and move on to the next one.
Actually, I love old stuff and there was a bunch of very cool things to check out and photograph of course!! I just brought my little point-n-shoot so I wouldn't scare the vendors.
These old metal balls were from France- the couple that ran this booth were French- there were people from all over the world there!!
There is lots of fun costume jewelry... I loved the shape and arrangement of these mannequins:
This guy had some super cool stuff, Jeni loved these old wooden bowling pins- he knocked them over so we could experience the unique sound of real wood pins falling over. It took me back to the old days sitting in a smoke filled bowling alley playing as a child. This wasn't a regular occurrence growing up, but we did it a few times.
The owner of the booth informed us that the decorators from Anthro were recently at his house picking up stuff for a new location coming to the OC- Jeni hopes it's in Fullerton!!After the flea market in Santa Monica, we went to a shop on Melrose after getting a famous 'Pinks' hot dog. Then we headed for Venice to check out another shop called Bountiful. Jeni was short of breath at this place- so much cool, unique stuff. This shot was taken out back were the only stuff we could afford was located..... For me, the junkier and more worn, the better! We got a few frames from down South and split.
As we left this shop, we saw Paris Hilton in a photo shoot- right in front of the store and the store next door. It was cool, they had the camera on a tripod right there in the street with a computer and a bunch of people standing around it criticizing each shot.... I love weddings!!
(although a shoot like that would be blast to do!)
We returned home with only a few things... and I got a plant as my reward for being a good sport!
Total Tally:
flea markets- 2
antique shops- 3
miles travelled- 80
venti coffees- 2
Monday, January 29, 2007
Shopping Day!
Ebony and JR
Our wedding was in San Diego on Saturday- the location was great to photograph, the weather was perfect and the couple were a joy! The ceremony was at the San Diego Mission- I couldn't stop shooting the place!
The history can be seen and felt everywhere: in the worn Tera cotta tile floor, the weathered old wooden doors, the patina on the door handles, the hand hewn beams in the ceiling, the hand painted details, and just the overall feel you get being in the midst of these old surroundings.
the floor in the church:Ebony, as you can see, has the most amazing smile... you can't help but smile when you see her laugh!
The front of the church as Ebony went in t0 be married:
The reception was out on Harbor Island- this was taken right on the side of the road! I was about two rocks from the water and was just freakin' out on the shots we were getting!
It was a long day- I left my house at 8am (gave plenty of time for traffic!) and returned at about 1am- but I had a blast with Ebony and JR and am so pleased with the images we got!
See more on their slideshow!!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Gia's Here!
Gia is the new daughter of Ryan and Catherine, past wedding clients of mine. We did a pregnancy shoot a few months ago and I have been itching to meet this girl ever since!
It is the coolest thing to get called for every important event in someone's life. I am so gratefull to be able to provide such an important service to people.
Wow, getting a little too mushy?? Sorry, it's how I feel.
Ryan and Catherine are just the cutest couple, I had a blast at their wedding and actually won an award for an image I made of them. I think it did well because they are so dang nice to look at!!
The shoot today went very well, Gia was a little trooper- she's a natural model!
The other great thing was the amazing light in their home. they have windows on the whole south side of the their house which lights up the sheer blinds to create a ginormous soft-box!Cool funktified effect created in Adobe's new Lightroom (it's still in the beta version):
That's the cool light I was talking about, coming from the left (it makes it too easy).
This is up in the nursery. I was shooting the cute little door hanger that said 'Shh, Baby's Sleeping' and got the idea to shoot their little private moment of joy through the doorway to give the shot a more private, intimate feel.
I love this little moment. You can tell Mom is heaven! She and Ryan are just amazing with her, I can tell that Gia is their whole world and know that she will become an amazing person due to their love.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
My Bro's on the News!
My younger brother, Jon, started less than two years ago after moving to Portland and finding that there were a huge number of cyclists and not much online info about bikes in the big city. Now he owns/runs the most popular bicycle site on the planet!!
He recently posted a story about a couple of young cyclists getting beat up while riding in one of the tougher neighborhoods in Portland. Comments about similar incidences were coming in like ants to a Skittle.
The local ABC news affiliate monitors his site for good stories and noticed how concerned people were getting about this post. A reporter was at Jon's house within 48 hours of posting about the girls, interviewing him for the 11 o'clock news!
Check it out here:
I was stoked for Jon about getting on the news, of course my older brother and I had to rag on him a little... but he is sincerely proud that his creation, Bike, is getting so many important issues in front of so many people. And I am so proud of him too.
Here's Jon with his family from Christmas:
Way to go Jonny!!!
George and Terry at the Montage
Sunday we had perfect weather for a wedding at The Montage Resort in Laguna. It was pretty windy but it totally died down just for the ceremony!! It was amazing!
EMP had the 'Dream Team' there to cover the event in all it's beauty- Brandon and Stefanie were with me to get it all.
I started in Terry's room to get some detail shots and to record the girls prepping for the big moment. I knew right away Terry had style when I saw her dress and the pearl necklace- very elegant attire for an elegant and classic looking girl.
The flowers were done by Enchanted Florist- just amazing!:The necklace (which later got changed to a beautiful diamond one):
I love the color of the rooms at The Montage, it works so well with the soft light from the sliding glass door for images like:
This was taken from about twenty five feet up to get a cool view never before seen at the Montage (that I know about!):Right after the ceremony Terry was pretty excited about her ring!:
Under the natural rock arch (Terry was a trooper getting across the rough terrain with high heels!):
To make a perfect day even better, Alex and Jeff from Elysium were there along with Jeannie and her crew from Details Details. And the party went off due to the musical mastery of Peter at Vive Inc.
To see more images check out a little slideshow, click here.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Trees are Good
As some of you know, I am a bit of a nature boy. I love gardening and enjoy being surrounded by nature. I recently found a company that collects and distributes cardboard boxes- what a cool idea, reusing them uses way less resources as compared to recycling them! Check them out here.
At their site, I found a plethora of cool links to environmental sites, one being Great site to learn all about planning, planting, and maintaining trees in your yard or the office. There are many great reasons to plant big trees.
The best reason for me is using a deciduous (leaves fall off in Autumn) tree in front of a south-facing window because we have huge window (9 feet by 9 feet) on the front of our house- south-facing. In summer the leaves shade the house to help keep it cool and in the winter the leaves fall off to allow the sun to warm us up! Sometimes it actually gets too hot in here in winter... even with some tinting on the windows!
I find trees and plants very relaxing to be around- I think because there are no hard lines just natural, curvy, lines. Fluttering leaves is very calming as well- like watching a water fall.
Check out the site and plant some trees!!! you'll be glad you did!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Out and About in Guadalajara
Our wedding this past Saturday was in Guadalajara and we were there for a few days so we (My assistant Brandon and I) had a chance to walk around the neighborhood we stayed in as well as the Historical Center downtown.
Love the bright colors:Our first stop after checking in at the hotel was at a taqueria... awesome tacos for fifty cents each- we had a plateful along with a 'Coca' then continued on our walk about. There were some very nice houses with manicured yards and clean paint along side more run-down houses... a little like a middle-class neighborhood in the US.
The day after the wedding we were able to go downtown. The buildings were incredible- huge Spanish style cathedrals and other buildings. Many people were out enjoying the nice evening. Family seems to be very important in this culture. In the main plaza downtown there was an enormous fountain, lights on all the large buildings, people hanging out everywhere, lots of little markets and shops- coffee, frozen yogurt, donuts, food, etc.
While taking in the sights we were bombarded with sounds: a preacher on a super-loud PA system, whistles, horns, people talking and laughing, tour buses motoring by, music, etc. It was a lot to take in...
A very nice young lady approached us as we were shooting things like garbage cans and the cobblestones to tell us the location of street performers... we went to check it out... As soon as one of the clowns saw my flash go off he immediately invited be into the center of a circle of 200 or so people! He must have been pretty funny because all the Spanish speakers were busting up when the clown would speak and point at me!! I know some Spanish but not when it's coming at me at 100 miles an hour! We were there for about a half hour until the show was over..... after our photo was taken the clown handed me his card and asked if I could send him some photos for his site.... cool!
We had a blast and got some cool shots:
The main Cathedral downtown:
After Brandon and I joined the circus!
Check out the slideshow.
Mexico Wedding
Mexico is always a cool place to visit. This was my first time to Guadalajara and found it just beautiful. Modern architecture is very popular so there are many cool commercial and residential buildings to look at. There is also much history especially in the historical center downtown.
The wedding was pretty cool- not too different than some weddings I have done in the States but there were some definitely unique events. The Bride and Groom (Angie and Steve) are from the US but the Bride's family is from the town we were in- her uncle actually married them!
Some images:Angie and the girls (and I) got to ride in the horse drawn carriage- so cool! Their church is in the background.
Yes, those are real fireworks- and yes, the reception was indoors! I thought about how that would work in the US- I figured the sprinklers would go on and everyone would get soaked... then I looked up and found no sprinklers at all... that's good! or is it?
After the six fireworks went off and the smoke added to the discharge of a smoke machine and cigarette smoke, you could hardly see your hand in front of your face- let alone breath without feeling like a brick was on your chest!! It's a dangerous job but some one's got to do it!
The party was completely out-of-control! the reception went until 3:30 and the staff had to pretty much chase the guests out! Those Mexicans can party!!
Check the slideshow.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
New Brighter Look!
The blog got a little color change!! As you may have noticed. As did the website- Jeni liked the light open feel of a lighter brown. She recently painted the living room a really light cream- from a deep sepia color- and just loves the relaxed, open, comfortable feel of the lighter color.
I hope I don't have to change the color of my site every time she paints the living room!!!!
Hope you like it- Let me know with a comment!
OK, I will put some shots of the new living room when I get back from Mexico!
Yep, we (my assistant Brandon and I) for Guadalajara, Mexico for a wedding, first thing in the morning... I was getting my gear ready for the trip when I realized how much STUFF I lug around to every wedding I shoot!A few bodies, a few flashes and a bunch of other stuff!!
My favorite photo case is a by Porter Case- it doubles as a dolly... I use it on every trip because it is the max size for a carry-on (yes I have to carry all this stuff on the plane so it doesn't get swiped). I used it on a trip to the West Indes for a wedding and loaded it up with all our (mine and Jeni's) bags- like three large suit cases and a few smaller bags... Jeni was cruising through the airport like a celeb with just her purse on her shoulder while I easily rolled all our bags with ease!
Yes, this is a big plug for Porter Case- I sent my case in for some repairs about a week or so ago so it would be in top form for the trip... I called two days ago to check the status and make sure it would be here. The lady I spoke with totally stepped up and made sure I would have it by today... It came this morning... but, dang-it, it wasn't my case!!! It was a brand new one!!! No charge for the new case (mine was 2-3 years old and just beat on) and no charge for the $50 two day shipping charges!!
You just don't see service (outside EMP!) like that anymore!
Kick Butt Porter Case- they have my business for life!
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Jan 6
My wedding last Saturday was so cool. The couple, Katie and Jon were great to shoot and the Jones Estate in Orange is always a blast to work because the place is so pretty and the staff is the greatest. Michelle, the owner, is totally on top of everything. The Bride and Groom only 20 and 21 but have been together for six years! Wow!
I had this cool idea to hang the rings from a stick:
I could've shot Katie all day, she was kinda quite and shy but just great in front of the camera.
The flowers in the Girls' hair was so cool to shoot:
Inside the old-time house is always fun to shoot.
Get him, Katie!
Katies Grandfather had just bought this old car- we had a blast shooting in and around it. Lucky for radio slaves, we had a flash inside the car bouncing off the ceiling.
Happy New Year!
We had a great holiday and an even better vacation with the familly.
These first two photos are from Christmas morning... before the birds were even awake. It is so cool, our kids are getting old enough to be totally fired up about Christmas- it brings back all those cool memories about sneaking out of our rooms to try to catch Santa in the act... only to catch Gram wrapping gifts!! This year Caysen came into our bed to wake us up while Bailey was sound asleep.... like most everyone else... I think it was about 5:30. Caysen couldn't wait so we had to wake her up! This is when we first got downstairs- I love the excitement!
This shot is of Caysen and his cousin Jeff playing with his new castle- that's what he asked Santa for.On the 27th we took a drive up to my Uncle's house outside Sacramento- a little town called El Dorado Hills. The sunset was taken on the 5 fwy heading north. I shot this with my Christmas gift: a Nikon s7c point and shoot- it's so fun. I nearly drove off the road looking at the sunset change and evolve as we drove- it was amazing!
Uncle Jim has some land where the kids can run wild and explore- it's so cool up there. Here's my mom on a walk with her grand-daughters
Here's Mom again with my niece who lives in Oregon- they enjoyed the warm weather
My cousin Trent is learning the guitar- he's pretty dang good too. He sings with a low mellow tone- love it!
Bailey gathering rocks for a little dam they were working on by the well...
The dang kids chucked a brass statue in the pond so they had to go get it in the canoe... it looked like such fun all the kids wanted a ride! The pond was barely wider than the boat was long but they had a blast!!
This is a shot of the whole family:And a shot of just the four of us!! My brother Jer took it- he was the one who got me into photo in the first place... about 10 years ago. Now he asks me for tips!!
This is Mom and her three boys... she's in heaven! It isn't very often we are all together- I think it's been over a year. From left to right: younger brother Jon who is a reporter of sorts in Portland. He is becoming an amazing photographer too! Jer is next, the surfer of the bunch! Then there's Mom and me.
One night the oldest grandkids got the younger ones to put on a little show. Caysen, my youngest would open the door and yell "Introducing the three princesses" or something.. and they would come out for a song. It was adorable.
One morning the other pond had a thin layer of ice over it so the kids couldn't leave it alone until they broke every little piece with rocks and sticks.
My bro Jon is super excited about photo too, this was the first time all three of us were together making photos... we had a little shoot-out in Old-Town Sacramento one day. Jon doesn't let anything get in his way... 'baby on board'. He is more comfortable shooting on his bike, yes, while riding!
Old Town Sac is so cool, you can totally image cowboys walking on the sidewalks and horses in the streets- it's so cool! What a great place for an engagement shoot- we actually saw one in progress!!
Here's my Jeni with my Bailey- she is the best Mommy!
Another shot from Old Town.
One of my two kids and thier cousin Jeffrey from Mass.
I would totally freak out here on an Eng. shoot! or with a Bride and Groom! So many cool places to shoot. Especially with the low winter sun peeking through windows and between buildings to bounce and play off the walls until landing on great subjects like these.I was standing on the sidewalk for this shot. There was a cool little courtyard one floor down, wide open to the sky... very cool for a little dinner party. I liked the lights and the old time buildings.
On the other side of Old Town was an old school house, this was inside at one of the desks. They had little mini chalk boards on each desk and a little rag and piece of chalk to be 'learned' to read and write! Yes sir ree!!
This bridge and another nearby had to make way for large ships to travel up the river. This one's whole middle section lifts straight up to the top of those towers to let one by. The other had a mid-section that spun 90 degrees to open up a path.
The next day we went for a mountain bike ride along Folsom lake, just Jon and I. It was amazing flying trough the rolling grassy hills on the roller-coaster type trail passing haunted looking Oak trees. We got dropped off at the trail-head but after riding 20 miles couldn't call without a phone and other guys in the parking lot couldn't get a signal... so we rode another 10 or so back to the house. I was definately tired of cranking my single speed up those dang hills!!
Another shot of Jon. I stopped for this one (I was so far ahead because Jon took a wrong turn!) but tried to pull a 'Jon' earlier by shooting while riding.... well, the smooth flat trail I was on suddenly turned into a rocky road and over the bars I went! I did save my new camera from peril, don't you worry 'bout that!
Here's Uncle Jim with a couple of his great nephews (not sure if that is the right term... his nephew's kids). He built this teeter-totter into the stump of an old tree- so cool.
Of course we had to have a bon-fire to roast marshmallows... this shot makes it look like we had rotisserie kids for dinner!
Here are the three Maus Boys ringing in the new year... yes, those are bags under my eyes.. I'm not such a party animal these days. The balloon hat and a beer was as crazy as I got!!
If you made it this far you must be on No Doz... thanks for hanging in there!
May you have a wonderful 2007!