Sunday, May 28, 2006

hello all

Wow, finally a blog for emp. My bro ( is a diehard blogger and word-of-mouth marketer and has been telling me to start a blog for some time. I just didn't think I had time... but I am stoked to share some of my photo and photoshop knowledge with others, so I guess I will make time.

I have felt that what I know in these two fields is nothing special- many people already know this stuff, but the more I talk about what I do/learn with others I find that people are stoked to get the info.

What a great time to start a blog, I am leaving in three days for a shoot in Italy- I will be there for two weeks, which means I won't be posting for two weeks... whatever, at least I'm trying, Jonny (bro).

So, check back for some cool tips, tricks, ideas, experiments, etc. Anything photo and photoshopish....
